Bradt, M, Behnke, MR, Bloethe, WG, Brooks, C, Camm, EH, Dilling, W, Goltz, B, Li, J, Niemira, J, Nuckles, K, Patiño, J, Reza, M, Richardson, B, Samaan, N, Schoene, J, Smith, T
, Snyder, I, Starke, M, Walling, R & Zahalka, G 2010,
Wind plant collector system fault protection and coordination. in
2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Smart Solutions for a Changing World., 5484316, 2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Smart Solutions for a Changing World, 2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Smart Solutions for a Changing World, New Orleans, LA, United States,