Whole core transport calculation employing hexagonal modular ray tracing and CMFD formulation

Jin Young Cho, Kang Seog Kim, Hyung Jin Shim, Jae Seung Song, Chung Chan Lee, Han Gyu Joo

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62 Scopus citations


A whole core transport module for hexagonal cores is developed and implemented in the DeCART code. The module consists of a whole core ray tracing kernel for solving the two-dimensional (2-D) method of characteristics (MOC) equation and a coarse-mesh finite difference (CMFD) kernel to accelerate the MOC transport iteration. Whole core ray tracing is realized by incorporating a hexagonal-assembly-based modular ray tracing scheme. The complete path linking constraint forthe modular ray is achieved by adjusting the ray angle and the ray spacing in the range of [0, 30°], and the complete reflection constraint at the problem boundary is satisfied by defining the corresponding reflection angles at the reflection surfaces. The hexagonal CMFD kernel employs unstructured nodes that can treat the irregular-shaped gap cells as well as the regular hexagonal cells. Some features such as cell ray approximation and modified cycle ray scheme are employed to reduce the memory requirements for the segment information and the boundary angular fluxes, respectively. The solution accuracy and execution performance of the hexagonal module are examined for the C5G7 hexagonal variation problems that are established by modifying the original C5G7MOX 3-D extension benchmark. The CMFD kernel shows a significant speedup of 60 in the 2-D core problem. The cell ray approximation does not violate the original solution accuracy when using the default ray spacing of the DeCART code. The modified cycle ray scheme shows its superiority over the simple core ray sweeping scheme in terms of the memory requirement and the original cycle ray scheme in terms of the computing time. Compared with the Monte Carlo solutions, the DeCART solution agrees to within 40 pcm for the eigenvalue and 2% for the pin power distribution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)740-751
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • C5G7 hexagonal variation benchmark
  • CMFD
  • DeCART
  • Hexagonal core
  • MOC
  • Whole core transport


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