Wavefront distortion correction in scanning tunneling microscope image

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We report an algorithm to identify and correct distorted wavefronts in atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscope images. This algorithm can be used to correct nonlinear in-plane distortions without prior knowledge of the physical scanning parameters, the characteristics of the piezoelectric actuator, or individual atom positions. The 2D image is first defined as a sum of sinusoidal plane waves, where a nonlinear distortion renders a curve for an otherwise ideal linear wavefront. Using the Fourier transforms of local areas of the image, the algorithm generates a wavefront vector field. The identified wavefronts are subsequently linearized for each plane wave without changing lattice orders, giving rise to distortion corrections. Our algorithm is complementary to conventional post-processing algorithms that require prior detection of real space features, which can also be used to correct nonlinear distortions in 2D images acquired by other microscopy techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Article number053701
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2024


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