Verification and validation of integrated simulation of energetic particles in fusion plasmas

S. Taimourzadeh, E. M. Bass, Y. Chen, C. Collins, N. N. Gorelenkov, A. Könies, Z. X. Lu, D. A. Spong, Y. Todo, M. E. Austin, J. Bao, A. Biancalani, M. Borchardt, A. Bottino, W. W. Heidbrink, R. Kleiber, Z. Lin, A. Mishchenko, L. Shi, J. VarelaR. E. Waltz, G. Yu, W. L. Zhang, Y. Zhu

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55 Scopus citations


This paper reports verification and validation of linear simulations of Alfvén eigenmodes in the current ramp phase of DIII-D L-mode discharge #159243 using gyrokinetic, gyrokinetic-MHD hybrid, and eigenvalue codes. Using a classical fast ion profile, all simulation codes find that reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) are the dominant instability. The real frequencies from all codes have a coefficient of variation of less than 5% for the most unstable modes with toroidal mode number n = 4 and 5. The simulated RSAE frequencies agree with experimental measurements if the minimum safety factor is adjusted, within experimental errors. The simulated growth rates exhibit greater variation, and simulations find that pressure gradients of thermal plasmas make a significant contribution to the growth rates. Mode structures of the dominant modes agree well among all codes. Moreover, using a calculated fast ion profile that takes into account the diffusion by multiple unstable modes, a toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) with n = 6 is found to be unstable in the outer edge, consistent with the experimental observations. Variations of the real frequencies and growth rates of the TAE are slightly larger than those of the RSAE. Finally, electron temperature fluctuations and radial phase shifts from simulations show no significant differences with the experimental data for the strong n = 4 RSAE, but significant differences for the weak n = 6 TAE. The verification and validation for the linear Alfvén eigenmodes is the first step to develop an integrated simulation of energetic particles confinement in burning plasmas incorporating multiple physical processes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number066006
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number6
StatePublished - Apr 26 2019


  • Alfvén eigenmodes
  • DIII-D tokamak
  • RSAE
  • TAE
  • benchmark
  • simulations
  • verification and validation


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