Validation of nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of L- and I-mode plasmas on Alcator C-Mod

A. J. Creely, N. T. Howard, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez, N. Cao, A. E. Hubbard, J. W. Hughes, J. E. Rice, A. E. White, J. Candy, G. M. Staebler, G. D. Conway, S. J. Freethy, C. Sung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


New validation of global, nonlinear, ion-scale gyrokinetic simulations (GYRO) is carried out for L- and I-mode plasmas on Alcator C-Mod, utilizing heat fluxes, profile stiffness, and temperature fluctuations. Previous work at C-Mod found that ITG/TEM-scale GYRO simulations can match both electron and ion heat fluxes within error bars in I-mode [White PoP 2015], suggesting that multi-scale (cross-scale coupling) effects [Howard PoP 2016] may be less important in I-mode than in L-mode. New results presented here, however, show that global, nonlinear, ion-scale GYRO simulations are able to match the experimental ion heat flux, but underpredict electron heat flux (at most radii), electron temperature fluctuations, and perturbative thermal diffusivity in both L- and I-mode. Linear addition of electron heat flux from electron scale runs does not resolve this discrepancy. These results indicate that single-scale simulations do not sufficiently describe the I-mode core transport, and that multi-scale (coupled electron- and ion-scale) transport models are needed. A preliminary investigation with multi-scale TGLF, however, was unable to resolve the discrepancy between ion-scale GYRO and experimental electron heat fluxes and perturbative diffusivity, motivating further work with multi-scale GYRO simulations and a more comprehensive study with multi-scale TGLF.

Original languageEnglish
Article number056104
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2017
Externally publishedYes


This work was supported by the U.S. DOE under Grant Nos. DE-SC0006419 and DE-FC02-99ER54512-CMOD, and by the U.S. DOD under the NDSEG Fellowship. GYRO simulations were performed with MP224 Repo at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. TGLF simulations used resources of the MIT PSFC parallel AMD Opteron/Infiniband cluster Loki.

FundersFunder number
U.S. DoD
U.S. Department of EnergyDE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-FC02-99ER54512-CMOD, DE-SC0006419
Office of Science
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate


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