Utilizing integrated neutron diffraction and elastoplastic self-consistent crystal plasticity model to quantitatively assess the strengthening mechanism in Al-12.5Ce and Al-12.5Ce-0.4Mg alloys

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An integrated in-situ neutron diffraction and elastic plastic self-consistent crystal plasticity (EPSC-CP) modeling scheme is performed on a binary Al-12Ce alloy and a ternary Al-12Ce-0.4Mg alloys. Using this scheme, the constitutive parameters, i.e. elastic constants and slip system parameters of individual phases can be calibrated which can be used in microstructure-based CP models to predict materials performance. From this study, it is shown that the elastic constants of Al11Ce3 intermetallics calculated from density function theory calculation in the literature are rather accurate. When applied to the EPSC-CP model, the lattice strains of both the binary and ternary alloys are correctly predicted as compared with experiments, and large lattice strain differences between Al (100) plane and Al11Ce3 (010) plane are demonstrated. The slip system parameters calibrated by the scheme shows that the addition of 0.4 wt% Mg in the alloy has little influence on the critical resolved shear stress of initial dislocation glide in the Al matrix which caused plastic yield in the material. This can be explained by the very dilute Mg solute content in the Al solid solution, causing large spacing of Al-Mg lattice misfit sites and little impact on resistance of dislocation glide at initial yield. The 0.4 wt% Mg addition, on the other hand, has a large influence on the hardening term in the slip system parameters, indicating those Al-Mg misfit sites do help dislocation accumulation during the deformation. The impact of dilute Mg addition on the Al slip system parameters is also reflected in the flow behavior of the ternary alloy: little impact on the yield stress, but a large impact on working hardening and tensile strength of the materials which is consistent with the literature.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055019
JournalModelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jul 2024


  • Al-Ce and Al-Ce-Mg alloys
  • CRSS
  • crystal plasticity
  • elastic plastic self-constant model
  • neutron diffraction
  • work hardening


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