Uranium–Molybdenum Alloy Critical Experiments for the Design of the Health Physics Research Reactor

John T. Mihalczo

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Clean critical experiments with a uranium-molybdenum alloy (average of 10.1616 wt. % Mo with a density of 17.08 g/cm3) were performed at the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Facility in 1961 to support the design of the Health Physics Research Reactor (HPRR). The HPRR was similar to the Godiva burst reactor at Los Alamos National Laboratory and was designed to produce 50 microseconds burst of 1017 fission pulses of radiation for dosimetry measurements, initially in support of the determination of the doses from the nuclear detonations in Japan during World War II. These experiments reported here were used to verify the calculational methods used to design the HPRR. These delayed critical measurements were:1) a solid unreflected and unmoderated 8-in.-dimeter U-Mo cylinder, 2) an unmoderated and unreflected annulus with 8-in.-outside diameter, 2-in.-inside diameter cylinder with a central void, 3) an unmoderated and unreflected annulus with 8-in.-outside diameter, 2-in.-inside diameter cylinder with a central void filled with stainless steel, 4) Same as 3) but with 3-in-thick Plexiglas reflector on top with and without cadmium between the reflector and the U-Mo alloy assembly with steel in the center, and 5) an unmoderated and unreflected annulus which was a modification of the second but with the lower 5 inches of the central hole enlarged to 3.5 in. with various reflector conditions. The reflector conditions were: 1-in.-thick Plexiglas on all outer surfaces-void in the center; 1-in.-thick Plexiglas on all outer surfaces-Plexiglas in the center; 2-in.- thick Plexiglas on radial surface-void in the center; 6-in.-thick Plexiglas on the bottom only-Plexiglas in the center; and 6-in.-thick Plexiglas on bottom, 1-in.-thick on top and on the lower 8.25-cm.-section of the radial surface-void in the center. For some of these reflector conditions 0.025-cm.thick cadmium was located between the reflector and the U-Mo alloy. The uranium contained 93.17 wt. % 235U. Reflection was a safety concern for this unmoderated and unreflected reactor and reduction of reflection effects was also investigated by insertion of neutron absorber around the U-Mo alloy. The stainless steel 304 contained 18% nickel and 8% chromium and the rest iron. The reflector material was a methacrylate plastic (Plexiglas) containing 5.8 x 1022 atoms/cm3 of hydrogen and 3.6 x 1022 atoms/cm3 of carbon with a density of 1.20 g/cm3. The purpose of this report is to document the experimental information for the measurements performed so that at a later date researchers could perform the required uncertainty and calculational analyses and documentation to use these data for an International Nuclear Criticality Safety Benchmark Program (ICSBEP) or a EURATON Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) benchmark. The data from the experiments described should be acceptable for use as criticality safety benchmark experiments for the ICSBEP and the NEA nuclear criticality safety benchmark program, once the uncertainty analysis is completed. Based on previous ICSBEP benchmarks with this enriched uranium metal at ORCEF, the uncertainties in keff could be as low as ±0.0002 for some configurations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes




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