Uniaxial pressure effect on structural and magnetic phase transitions in NaFeAs and its comparison with as-grown and annealed BaFe2As 2

Yu Song, Scott V. Carr, Xingye Lu, Chenglin Zhang, Zachary C. Sims, N. F. Luttrell, Songxue Chi, Yang Zhao, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Pengcheng Dai

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    33 Scopus citations


    We use neutron scattering to study the effect of uniaxial pressure on the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural (Ts) and paramagnetic-to- antiferromagnetic (TN) phase transitions in NaFeAs and compare the outcome with similar measurements on as-grown and annealed BaFe 2As2. In previous work on as-grown BaFe2As 2, uniaxial pressure necessary to detwin the sample was found to induce a significant increase in zero pressure TN and Ts. However, we find that similar uniaxial pressure used to detwin NaFeAs and annealed BaFe2As2 has a very small effect on their T N and Ts. Since transport measurements on these samples still reveal resistivity anisotropy above TN and Ts, we conclude that such anisotropy can not be due to uniaxial strain-induced T N and Ts shifts, but must arise from intrinsic electronic anisotropy in these materials.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number184511
    JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    Issue number18
    StatePublished - May 28 2013


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