Understanding manufacturers’ and consumers’ perspectives towards end-of-life solar photovoltaic waste management and recycling

Preeti Nain, Arun Kumar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


The present study highlighted the issue of end-of-life photovoltaic waste before government, policy makers, waste regulators and fills the gaps between various stakeholders by exploring their perceptions towards end-of-life solar waste management. Respondents’ waste handling practices, willingness to pay towards recycling, and their mindset towards problematic situation of upcoming photovoltaic waste were investigated via a survey-based study. Findings indicated that consumers are less concerned about photovoltaic waste as 60% of them are planning to sell their used panels to rag-pickers, however, willing to pay a part of recycling/handling cost, if required. Majority of respondents (> 80%) never considered fate of end-of-life photovoltaics, though willing to pay 15% of handling costs. In terms of responsibility for recycling, 60% consumers think that it is government’s responsibility, whereas 51% manufacturers think that it is a common responsibility of government, consumer, seller/manufacturer. In respect to ranking of drivers, barriers and enablers towards solar waste management, consumers scored factors more moderately than manufacturers, highlighting the less apprehension and thoughtfulness concerning the issue. The most critical barrier identified was high recycling cost, and can possibly be overcome by implementation of research & development on feasible and economically sound recycling processes. Statistical analysis shows that the respondent category and their respective regions significantly affect the ranking of factors and point-of-view towards various aspects. The findings clearly indicate that self-take-back collection and recycling facilities, material recovery and recycling incentives are the main factors affecting end-of-life panels handling. As an input to policy makers, it is necessary to understand the findings presented in present study on consumers and manufacturers’ mindsets regarding photovoltaic waste issue and their willingness to participate in recycling activities. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2264-2284
Number of pages21
JournalEnvironment, Development and Sustainability
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2023
Externally publishedYes


We would like to thank the various participants for contributing in this survey study. Also, authors express gratitude to Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi), India, and University Grant Commission (UGC award Sr. No. 24004768 Ref. No: 3509/NET-JULY2016) for providing financial support for this study.


  • End-of-life photovoltaic
  • Energy policy
  • Recycling
  • Solar survey
  • Waste management


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