Two-step neutronics calculations with Shift and Griffin for advanced reactor systems

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17 Scopus citations


This research develops the initial coupling of the Shift Monte Carlo (MC) code and the Griffin reactor physics code for reactor analysis of non–light-water reactor systems. The novelty of this work is twofold. It is the first application of Shift to produce the multigroup cross sections needed for Griffin as applied to a non–light-water reactor system; and, the first investigation and analysis of characteristics of the Empire microreactor benchmark that should be considered for steady state and transient reactor physics calculations. This application uses the previously developed two-step neutronics analysis workflow to demonstrate this initial coupling. In this work, we outline the two-step neutronics analysis workflow in which the Shift MC code is used to generate the multigroup cross sections and fluxes needed by the Griffin deterministic solver. Details on how these multigroup cross sections are generated using MC tallies are given, as well as the practicalities and limitations of the two-step neutronics workflow. The Empire microreactor benchmark was used to investigate and validate this coupling. Results using this benchmark show good agreement between Griffin calculations using Serpent-generated cross sections and Shift-generated cross sections. Analysis of the characteristics of this Empire benchmark show larger eigenvalue differences between heterogeneous and pin–homogenized solutions compared to those of traditional light-water reactor (LWR) designs, thus requiring super homogenization factor corrections for accurate eigenvalue and power distribution predictions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109131
JournalAnnals of Nuclear Energy
StatePublished - Aug 2022


The authors would like to thank the Griffin developers and users for their invaluable assistance. This research made use of Idaho National Laboratory computing resources which are supported by the Office of Nuclear Energy of the US Department of Energy and the Nuclear Science User Facilities under Contract No. DE-AC07-05ID14517. Work on this research was performed under the US Department of Energy Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation Program.


  • Cross section generation
  • Griffin
  • Monte Carlo
  • Nodal methods
  • Serpent
  • Shift


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