Transverse dynamics of water across the melting point: A parallel neutron and x-ray inelastic scattering study

A. Cunsolo, C. N. Kodituwakku, F. Bencivenga, M. Frontzek, B. M. Leu, A. H. Said

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52 Scopus citations


Joint inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering measurements have been performed on heavy water across the melting point. The spectra bear clear evidence of low- and high-frequency inelastic shoulders related to transverse and longitudinal modes, respectively. Upon increasing the momentum transfer, the spectral shape evolves from a viscoelastic regime, where the low-frequency mode is clearly over-damped, toward an elastic one where its propagation becomes instead allowed. The crossover between the two regimes occurs whenever both the characteristic frequency and the linewidth of the low-frequency mode match the inverse of the structural relaxation time. Furthermore, we observe that the frequency of the transverse mode undergoes a discontinuity across the melting, whose extent reduces upon increasing the exchanged momentum.

Original languageEnglish
Article number174305
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number17
StatePublished - May 29 2012


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