Translational diffusion of water inside hydrophobic carbon micropores studied by neutron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation

S. O. Diallo, L. Vlcek, E. Mamontov, J. K. Keum, Jihua Chen, J. S. Hayes, A. A. Chialvo

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19 Scopus citations


When water molecules are confined to nanoscale spacings, such as in the nanometer-size pores of activated carbon fiber (ACF), their freezing point gets suppressed down to very low temperatures (∼150K), leading to a metastable liquid state with remarkable physical properties. We have investigated the ambient pressure diffusive dynamics of water in microporous Kynol ACF-10 (average pore size ∼11.6Å, with primarily slit-like pores) from temperature T=280 K in its stable liquid state down to T=230 K into the metastable supercooled phase. The observed characteristic relaxation times and diffusion coefficients are found to be, respectively, higher and lower than those in bulk water, indicating a slowing down of the water mobility with decreasing temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022124
JournalPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 17 2015


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