Translating a Global Emission-Reduction Framework for Subnational Climate Action: A Case Study from the State of Georgia

Marilyn A. Brown, Blair Beasley, Fikret Atalay, Kim M. Cobb, Puneet Dwiveldi, Jeffrey Hubbs, David M. Iwaniek, Sudhagar Mani, Daniel Matisoff, Jaqueline E. Mohan, Jeffrey Mullen, Michael Oxman, Daniel Rochberg, Michael Rodgers, Marshall Shepherd, Richard Simmons, Laura Taylor, L. Beril Toktay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Subnational entities are recognizing the need to systematically examine options for reducing their carbon footprints. However, few robust and comprehensive analyses are available that lay out how US states and regions can most effectively contribute. This paper describes an approach developed for Georgia—a state in the southeastern United States called “Drawdown Georgia”, our research involves (1) understanding Georgia’s baseline carbon footprint and trends, (2) identifying the universe of Georgia-specific carbon-reduction solutions that could be impactful by 2030, (3) estimating the greenhouse gas reduction potential of these high-impact 2030 solutions for Georgia, and (4) estimating associated costs and benefits while also considering how the solutions might impact societal priorities, such as economic development opportunities, public health, environmental benefits, and equity. We began by examining the global solutions identified by Project Drawdown. The resulting 20 high-impact 2030 solutions provide a strategy for reducing Georgia’s carbon footprint in the next decade using market-ready technologies and practices and including negative emission solutions. This paper describes our systematic and replicable process and ends with a discussion of its strengths, weaknesses, and planned future research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-227
Number of pages23
JournalEnvironmental Management
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Carbon footprint
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Climate roadmap
  • Equity


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