Transition strengths in Rb79

J. W. Holcomb, J. Döring, T. Glasmacher, G. D. Johns, T. D. Johnson, M. A. Riley, P. C. Womble, S. L. Tabor

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


High angular momentum states in Rb79 were populated via the Cu63(19F,2pn)79Rb and Cu65(18O,4n)79Rb reactions. The 65 MeV F19 and 65 MeV O18 beams were provided by the Florida State University FN Tandem accelerator. Prompt γ-γ coincidences were measured for both reactions. Two additional γ cascades have been assigned to Rb79, including a new high-excitation structure dominated by dipole transitions. Firm spin assignments were made for the first time for a number of states by means of directional correlation ratios and an angular distribution measurement using the Cu63(19F,2pn) reaction. The Doppler-shift attenuation method was used to determine lifetimes for states and their respective side-feeding times in both the yrast positive-parity and yrast negative-parity states. Transition quadrupole moments were deduced from the transition strengths and compared with those predicted by Woods-Saxon cranking calculations. The energy spacings and mixing ratios were compared with particle-rotor calculations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1020-1033
Number of pages14
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


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