Transition from Bohm to classical diffusion due to edge rotation of a cylindrical plasma

J. E. Maggs, T. A. Carter, R. J. Taylor

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56 Scopus citations


The outer region of the plasma column of a large, linear plasma device is rotated in a controlled fashion by biasing a section of the vacuum chamber wall positive with respect to the cathode (Er <0). The magnitude and temporal dependence of the observed cross-field current, produced when the bias voltage is applied, is consistent with ion current arising from ion-neutral collisions. Flow speeds in the outer regions of the plasma column exceed the local sound speed. In the nonrotating plasma column, cross-field, radial particle transport proceeds at the Bohm diffusion rate. Rotation, above a threshold bias voltage, reduces cross-field transport from Bohm to classical rates, leading to steeper radial density profiles. Reduction of particle transport is global and not isolated to the region of flow shear. The transition from the nonrotating to the rotating plasma edge in the linear plasma column is similar to the low confinement to high confinement mode transition observed in tokamaks when Er <0.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052507
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes


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