Towards formation of buckminsterfullerene C 60 in quantum chemical molecular dynamics

Guishan Zheng, Stephan Irle, Keiji Morokuma

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51 Scopus citations


We present follow-up studies on the formation mechanism of fullerene molecules from random ensembles of C 2 molecules using quantum chemical molecular dynamics. Two possible roadmaps are investigated as to how buckminsterfullerene C 60 and higher fullerenes could be formed. In a "size-up" scenario, fullerenes of the cage size of C 72-C 96 were found to form directly from high concentrations of C 2 molecules at 2000 K with periodic supply of batches of additional C 2's. In a "size-down" approach, smaller fullerenes are sometimes formed by losing carbon fragments in "fall-off" or "pop-out" annealing processes under prolonged heating of giant fullerenes, which were self-assembled at initial stages from C 2's with lower concentrations. Both roadmaps are found to provide explanations for the appearance of C 60 and larger fullerenes in combustion and carbon arc experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014708
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes


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