Toward a resolution of the NN controversy

Amy Nicholson, Evan Berkowitz, John Bulava, Chia Cheng Chang, M. A. Clark, Andrew D. Hanlon, Ben Hörz, Dean Howarth, Christopher Körber, Wayne Tai Lee, Aaron S. Meyer, Henry Monge-Camacho, Colin Morningstar, Enrico Rinaldi, Pavlos Vranas, André Walker-Loud

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Lattice QCD calculations of two-nucleon interactions have been underway for about a decade, but still haven't reached the pion mass regime necessary for matching onto effective field theories and extrapolating to the physical point. Furthermore, results from different methods, including the use of the Lüscher formalism with different types of operators, as well as the HALQCD potential method, do not agree even qualitatively at very heavy pion mass. We investigate the role that different operators employed in the literature may play on the extraction of spectra for use within the Lüscher method. We first explore expectations from Effective Field Theory solved within a finite volume, for which the exact spectrum may be computed given different physical scenarios. We then present preliminary lattice QCD results for two-nucleon spectra calculated using different operators on a common lattice ensemble.

Original languageEnglish
Article number098
JournalProceedings of Science
StatePublished - Jul 8 2022
Externally publishedYes
Event38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE 2021 - Virtual, Online, United States
Duration: Jul 26 2021Jul 30 2021


This work was supported in part by the NVIDIA Corporation (MAC), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (CK), the RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher Program (ER), the Nuclear Physics Double Beta Decay Topical Collaboration (HMC, AN, AWL), the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Award Numbers DE-AC02-05CH11231 (CCC, CK, BH, AWL), DEAC52-07NA27344 (DH, PV), DE-FG02-93ER-40762 (EB), DE-SC00046548 (ASM); the DOE Early Career Award Program (AWL), and the National Science Foundation CAREER Award Program (AN). ADH is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics through the Contract No. DE-SC0012704 and within the framework of Scientific Discovery through Advance Computing (SciDAC) award "Computing the Properties of Matter with Leadership Computing Resources."

FundersFunder number
Nuclear Physics Double Beta Decay Topical Collaboration
National Science FoundationDE-SC0012704
U.S. Department of Energy
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Office of Science
Nuclear PhysicsDE-FG02-93ER-40762, DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-SC00046548, DEAC52-07NA27344
Hamad Medical Corporation
Michigan Apple Committee


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