Topological phase transition without single particle gap closing in strongly correlated systems

Peizhi Mai, Jinchao Zhao, Thomas A. Maier, Barry Bradlyn, Philip W. Phillips

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We show here two models where changing topology does not necessarily close the bulk insulating charge gap as demanded in the standard noninteracting picture. From extensive determinantal and dynamical cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the half-filled and quarter-filled Kane-Mele-Hubbard model, we show that, for sufficiently strong interactions at either half- or quarter-filling, a transition between topological and trivial insulators occurs without the closing of a charge gap. To shed light on this behavior, we illustrate that an exactly solvable model reveals that while the single-particle gap remains, the many-body gap does, in fact, close. These two gaps are the same in the noninteracting system but depart from each other as the interaction turns on. We purport that for interacting systems, the proper probe of topological phase transitions is the closing of the many-body rather than the single-particle gap.

Original languageEnglish
Article number075105
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number7
StatePublished - Aug 15 2024


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