TITAN: An ion trap facility for on-line mass measurement experiments

A. A. Kwiatkowski, C. Andreoiu, J. C. Bale, T. Brunner, A. Chaudhuri, U. Chowdhury, P. Delheij, S. Ettenauer, D. Frekers, A. T. Gallant, A. Grossheim, G. Gwinner, F. Jang, A. Lennarz, T. Ma, E. Mané, M. R. Pearson, B. E. Schultz, M. C. Simon, V. V. SimonJ. Dilling

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Precision determinations of ground state or even isomeric state masses reveal fingerprints of nuclear structure. In particular, at the limits of existence for very neutron-rich or -deficient isotopes, one can extract detailed information about nuclear structure from separation energies or binding energies. Mass measurements are important to uncover new phenomena, to test new theoretical predictions, or to refine model approaches. For example, the N = 28 shell has proven more stable than previously expected; however, the predicted new “magic” number at N = 34 in the K and Ca isotopes has yet to be confirmed experimentally. For these neutronrich nuclei, the inclusion of three-body forces leads to significantly better predictions of the ground-state mass. Similarly, halo nuclei present an excellent application for ab-initio theory, where ground state properties, like masses and radii, test our understanding of nuclear structure. Precision mass determinations at TRIUMF are carried out with the TITAN (TRIUMF’s Ion Traps for Atomic and Nuclear science) facility. It is an ion-trap setup coupled to the on-line facility ISAC. TITAN has measured masses of isotopes as short-lived as 9 ms (almost an order of magnitude shorter-lived than any other Penning trap system), and it is the only one with charge breeding capabilities, which allow us to boost the precision by almost 2 orders of magnitude. We recently made use of this feature by measuring short-lived, protonrich Rb-isotopes, up to 74Rb while reaching the 12+ charge state, which together with other improvements led to an increase in precision by a factor 36.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationISAC and ARIEL
Subtitle of host publicationThe TRIUMF Radioactive Beam Facilities and the Scientific Program
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9789400779631
ISBN (Print)9789400779624
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Buffer gas cooling
  • Charge breeding
  • Highly charged ions
  • Ion traps
  • Mass spectrometry and mass measurements
  • Nuclear astrophysics and fundamental interactions
  • Nuclear shell model
  • Nuclear structure


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