Thermoelastic properties and crystal structure of CaPtO 3 post-perovskite from 0 to 9 GPa and from 2 to 973 K

Alex Lindsay-Scott, Ian G. Wood, David P. Dobson, Lidunka Vočadlo, John P. Brodholt, Kevin S. Knight, Matthew G. Tucker, Takashi Taniguchi

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10 Scopus citations


ABX 3 post-perovskite (PPV) phases that are stable (or strongly metastable) at ambient pressure are important as analogues of PPV-MgSiO 3, a deep-Earth phase stable only at very high pressure. The thermoelastic and structural properties of orthorhombic PPV-structured CaPtO 3 have been determined to 9.27 GPa at ambient temperature and from 2 to 973 K at ambient pressure by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. The equation-of-state from this high-pressure study is consistent with that found by Lindsay-Scott, Wood, Dobson, Vočadlo, Brodholt, Crichton, Hanfland & Taniguchi [(2010). Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 182, 113-118] using X-ray powder diffraction to 40 GPa. However, the neutron data have also enabled the determination of the crystal structure. The b axis is the most compressible and the c axis the least, with the a and c axes shortening under pressure by a similar amount. Above 300 K, the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion, α(T), of CaPtO 3 can be represented by α(T) = a 0 + a 1(T), with a 0 = 2.37 (3)× 10 -5 K -1 and a 1 = 5.1 (5)× 10 -9 K -2. Over the full range of temperature investigated, the unit-cell volume of CaPtO 3 can be described by a second-order Grüneisen approximation to the zero-pressure equation of state, with the internal energy calculated via a Debye model and parameters D (Debye temperature) = 615 (8) K, V 0 (unit-cell colume at 0 K) = 227.186 (3) Å 3, K′0 (first derivative with respect to pressure of the isothermal incompressibility K 0) = 7.9 (8) and (V 0 K 0/′) = 3.16 (3) 10 -17 J, where ′ is a Grüneisen parameter. Combining the present measurements with heat-capacity data gives a thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter = 1.16 (1) at 291 K. PPV-CaPtO 3, PPV-MgSiO 3 and PPV-CaIrO 3 have the same axial incompressibility sequence, c > a > b. However, when heated, CaPtO 3 shows axial expansion in the form c > b > a , a sequence which is not simply the inverse of the axial incompressibilities. In this respect, CaPtO 3 differs from both MgSiO 3 (where the sequence b > a > c is the same as 1/i ) and CaIrO 3 (where b > c > a ). Thus, PPV-CaPtO 3 and PPV-CaIrO 3 are better analogues for PPV-MgSiO 3 in compression than on heating. The behaviour of the unit-cell axes of all three compounds was analysed using a model based on nearest-neighbour B-X and A-X distances and angles specifying the geometry and orientation of the BX 6 octahedra. Under pressure, all contract mainly by reduction in the B-X and A-X distances. On heating, MgSiO 3 expands (at high pressure) mainly by lengthening of the Si-O and Mg-O bonds. In contrast, the expansion of CaPtO 3 (and possibly also CaIrO 3), at atmospheric pressure, arises more from changes in angles than from increased bond distances.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)999-1016
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Applied Crystallography
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2011
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number
Natural Environment Research Councilhpc010001


    • CaPt3O
    • CaPtO
    • equation of state
    • neutron powder diffraction
    • post-perovskites


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