Thermal Transpiration at the Microscale: A Crookes Cantilever

A. Passian, R. J. Warmack, T. L. Ferrell, T. Thundat

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3 Scopus citations


Local temperature inhomogeneities in systems containing micron and submicron objects can result in unexpected consequences. If the mean free path of the host gas constituents is comparable to a characteristic length of the system, then a net exchange of momentum occurs between the constituents and the involved surfaces. For a given temperature gradient and a given pressure range, this results in the presence of Knudsen and Knudsen-like forces (KF). The pressure dependence of these forces has been studied using a microelectromechanical system composed of a microcantilever near a substrate surface. Nano-Newton scale KF are observed by the bending of the microcantilever as monitored by the charge variation on the microcantilever-substrate assembly in a capacitive mode.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4
Number of pages1
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2003


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