Thermal measurements during laser surface engineering using infrared thermography

Puja B. Kadolkar, Hain Wang, Thomas R. Watkins, Narendra B. Dahotre

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Laser-material interactions consist of complex, and generally short-lived, but intense events. Hence, many important aspects and effects of these interactions are not directly measurable, such as temperature distributions within the material. In the present study, the effect of temperature distribution on the residual stresses developed during laser surface engineering of ceramic composite coating on metal has been investigated. Infrared thermography technique has been employed as a means to measure the temperature distribution within the substrate while the laser beam is directed at the surface of the coating. Temperature distribution is generally a function of the laser input parameters, such as laser beam power and traverse velocity of the beam. Hence variation in the temperature distribution and the consequent stresses developed within the composite coating due to the changing input parameters have also been investigated. The rapid processing in complement with precise control of the process based on in-situ thermographic measurements provides numerous opportunities for high power laser as a advanced manufacturing tool.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Surface Engineering Congress - Proceedings of the 1st Congress
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Surface Engineering Congress - Proceedings of the 1st Congress - Colombus, OH, United States
Duration: Oct 7 2002Oct 10 2002

Publication series

NameInternational Surface Engineering Congress - Proceedings of the 1st Congress


ConferenceInternational Surface Engineering Congress - Proceedings of the 1st Congress
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityColombus, OH


  • Infrared
  • Laser
  • Residual Stress
  • Temperature
  • Thermography


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