The structure of permanently densified GeSe2 glasses

Q. Mei, P. V. Teredesai, C. J. Benmore, S. Sampath, J. L. Yarger, E. Bychkov, J. Neuefeind, K. Lienenweber

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6 Scopus citations


GeSe2 is an archetypal tetrahedral glass that differs from both vitreous silica and germania in that it forms a network of both edge and corner sharing tetrahedra with a substantial number of homopolar bonds at normal pressure. A combination of high energy diffraction measurements and Raman spectroscopy have been performed on glassy GeSe2 samples with densities of 3 and 4% greater than the normal glass. The samples were pressurised in a multi-anvil cell and recovered to ambient pressure for the experiments. The higher density samples show a dramatic decrease in the first sharp diffraction peak height and shift to higher Q-values on densification. This is related to a breakdown of intermediate range order arising from the Ge-Ge interactions. X-ray difference functions suggest there is an increase in Ge-Ge corner sharing tetrahedra for the 4% denser glass compared to the normal glass. The Raman data also show a decrease in ratio of edge sharing:corner sharing tetrahedra indicating a change in the distribution of large ring structures that form the glassy network.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)483-486
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics and Chemistry of Glasses
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2005
Externally publishedYes


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