The Spallation Neutron Source Beam Commissioning and Initial Operations

Alexander Aleksandrov, Christopher Allen, Saeed Assadi, Willem Blokland, Sarah Cousineau, Mark Crofford, Viatcheslav Danilov, Craig Deibele, George Dodson, John Galambos, Baoxi Han, Jeffrey Holmes, Matthew Howell, Yoon Kang, Kay-Uwe Kasemir, Sang-Ho Kim, Cary Long, Thomas Pelaia Ii, Maurice Piller, Michael PlumJohn Purcell, Andrei Shishlo, Martin Stockli, Robert Welton, Alexander Zhukov

Research output: Other contributionTechnical Report

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Sep 2015

Bibliographical note

Spallation Neutron Source
Unclassified, Non Sensitive

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