The second target station at the ORNL spallation neutron source

R. K. Crawford, R. Dean, P. Ferguson, J. Galambos, F. Gallmeier, T. McManamy, M. Rennich

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4 Scopus citations


After the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) construction project was completed in June, 2006, development of plans to construct a second target station (STS) at SNS began. These plans have evolved to the establishment of a reference concept for a STS and associated neutron beam instruments, and the evaluation of the expected performance for this station, all of which have been documented in a White Paper. Based on this White Paper, the Department of Energy has approved development of a detailed conceptual design leading to a construction project for the STS. The STS reference design is based on pulse stealing from the 60 Hz SNS accelerator system, with one pulse of every three going to the STS and the other two going to the first target station. The STS would operate in long-proton-pulse mode with no pulse compression in the accumulator ring, and would be optimized for production of intense beams of cold neutrons. The reference concept for the STS and the estimated performance for this concept will be discussed

Original languageEnglish
Article number012054
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2010


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