The role of kinetic instabilities in formation of the runaway electron current after argon injection in DIII-D

A. Lvovskiy, C. Paz-Soldan, N. W. Eidietis, A. Dal Molin, X. D. Du, L. Giacomelli, J. L. Herfindal, E. M. Hollmann, L. Martinelli, R. A. Moyer, M. Nocente, D. Rigamonti, D. Shiraki, M. Tardocchi, K. E. Thome

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37 Scopus citations


Kinetic instabilities in the MHz range driven by runaway electrons (REs) have been observed for the first time during the current quench (CQ) in disruptions triggered by massive injection of argon in DIII-D. These instabilities are well-correlated with intermittent RE losses in the beginning of RE current formation. The runaway current phase is not observed when the power of instabilities exceeds a threshold. Novel measurements of the RE distribution function during the CQ indicate that the instabilities appear when RE energy (E RE) exceeds 2.5-3 MeV, the number of modes grows linearly with E RE, and their frequencies lie in the range 0.1-3 MHz, below the ion cyclotron frequency. Possible plasma waves exciting by REs in this region are proposed. Increase of the amount of injected argon decreases the E RE and increases the success rate of the runaway current formation, while increase of the pre-disruption plasma current acts in the opposite direction. No dependence on the pre-disruption core electron temperature is found.

Original languageEnglish
Article number124003
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number12
StatePublished - Nov 9 2018


Authors are thankful for discussion to Paul Parks and Chang Liu. Diagnostic support from Tom Carlstrom and Caizhen Liu is acknowledged. This work was supported by the US DOE under DE-FC02-04ER54698. DIII-D data shown in this paper can be obtained in digital format by following the links at


  • kinetic instabilities
  • massive gas injection
  • runaway electrons
  • tokamak disruptions


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