The role of electron-scale turbulence in the JET tokamak: Experiments and modeling

P. Mantica, N. Bonanomi, A. Mariani, P. Carvalho, E. Delabie, J. Garcia, N. Hawkes, T. Johnson, D. Keeling, M. Sertoli, G. M. Staebler, G. Szepesi, D. Taylor, A. Thorman

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11 Scopus citations


Dedicated electron heat transport experiments have been carried out in L- and H-mode Deuterium plasmas of the JET-ILWtokamak to identify the amount of electron heat carried by electron-scale electron temperature gradient (ETG) modes. Ion cyclotron resonance heating at different positions has been used to probe the response of the electron temperature inverse gradient length R/LTe to changes in electron heat flux qe, while different amounts of neutral beam heating allowed to scan the ratio of ion to electron temperature Te/Ti, which is a key parameter for the onset of ETGs. Results indicate a steepening of the normalized qe vs R/LTe curve above R/LTe ∼ 8 for Te/Ti _ 1, suggestive of the ETG onset. Ion-scale gyro-kinetic (GK) simulations match the ion heat flux and the low-R/LTe part of the qe curve, but do not reproduce such steepening at high R/LTe. Multi-scale GK simulations covering both ion and electron scales and including one impurity bundling light and heavy species indicate an ETG contribution only for R/LTe values larger than the experimental ones. Sensitivity studies of such result are difficult to achieve due to limitation in numerical resources. The quasi-linear TGLF model has been used for sensitivity studies. With the same bundled impurity as the GK multi-scale, TGLF shows the qe steepening at much larger R/LTe values than in experiment, but when using the real mix of light impurities neglecting the heavy impurities, TGLF gets closer to the experimental results. Profile simulations with TGLF including both light and heavy impurities show over-prediction of Te profiles and in some cases also of density, but good Ti predictions, confirming issues with the model electron stiffness for these plasmas EURATOM 2021.

Original languageEnglish
Article number096014
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Electron-scale turbulence
  • Gyrokinetic simulations
  • Multi-scale interactions
  • Quasilinear simulations
  • Turbulent transport


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