The role of B T-dependent flows on W accumulation at the edge of the confined plasma

S. A. Zamperini, J. H. Nichols, P. C. Stangeby, D. C. Donovan, J. D. Duran, J. D. Elder, E. A. Unterberg, D. L. Rudakov

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10 Scopus citations


Near-separatrix impurity accumulation between the crown and the outer midplane of tokamaks is a common feature in results from codes such as SOLPS-ITER and DIVIMP; however, experimental evidence of accumulation has only recently been obtained and is reported here. The codes find that the poloidal distribution of impurity ions in the scrape-off layer (SOL) depends primarily on toroidal field (B T)-dependent parallel flow patterns of the background plasma and the parallel ion temperature gradient (∇‖ T ion) force. Experimentally, Mach probes used in L-mode plasmas with favorable (for H-mode access) B T measure fast (M ∼ 0.3-0.5) inner-target-directed (ITD) background plasma flows at the crown of single-null discharges. This study reports a set of DIVIMP simulations for two similar H-mode discharges from the DIII-D W metal rings campaign differing primarily in B T-direction to assess the effect that fast ITD flows have on the distribution of W ions in the SOL. It is found that for imposed ITD flows of M = 0.3, W ions that otherwise accumulate due to the ∇‖ T ion-force are largely flushed out. It is also found that doubling the radial diffusion coefficient from 0.3 to 0.6 m2 s-1 prevents accumulation due to rapid cross-field transport into the far-SOL, where background plasma flows drain W ions to the divertors. Far-SOL W distributions from DIVIMP are then used to specify input to the impurity transport code 3DLIM, which is used to interpretively model collector probe (CP) deposition patterns measured in the 'wall-SOL'. It is demonstrated that the deposition patterns are consistent with the DIVIMP predictions of near-SOL accumulation for the unfavorable-B T direction, and little/no accumulation for the favorable-B T direction. The wall-SOL CPs have thus provided the first experimental evidence, albeit indirect, of near-SOL W accumulation - finding it occurs for the unfavorable-B T direction only. For the favorable-B T direction, fast flows can largely prevent accumulation from occurring.

Original languageEnglish
Article number026037
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2022


  • DIII-D
  • collector probes
  • impurity transport
  • metal ringscampaign
  • scrape-off layer


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