The Research Data Alliance Photon and Neutron Science Interest Group

Amber Boehnlein, Brian Matthews, Thomas Proffen, Frank Schluenzen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Scientific research data provides unique challenges that are distinct from classic “Big Data” sources. One common element in research data is that the experiment, observations, or simulation were designed, and data were specifically acquired, to shed light on an open scientific question. The data and methods are usually “owned” by the researcher(s) and the data itself might not be viewed to have long-term scientific significance after the results have been published. Often, the data volume was relatively low, with data sometimes easier to reproduce than to catalog and store. Some data and meta-data were not collected in a digital form, or were stored on antiquated or obsolete media. Generally speaking, policies, tools, and management of digital research data have reflected an ad hoc approach that varies domain by domain and research group by research group. This model, which treats research data as disposable, is proving to be a serious limitation as the volume and complexity of research data explodes. Changes are required at every level of scientific research: within the individual groups, and across scientific domains and interdisciplinary collaborations. Enabling researchers to learn about available tools, processes, and procedures should encourage a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, allowing researchers to come together for the common good. These community-oriented efforts provide the potential for targeted projects with high impact.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-47
Number of pages5
JournalSynchrotron Radiation News
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 4 2015


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