The Photoinduced Response of Antimony from Femtoseconds to Minutes

Sebastian Walfort, Nils Holle, Julia Vehndel, Daniel T. Yimam, Niklas Vollmar, Bart J. Kooi, Martin Salinga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As a phase change material (PCM), antimony exhibits a set of desirable properties that make it an interesting candidate for photonic memory applications. These include a large optical contrast between crystalline and amorphous solid states over a wide wavelength range. Switching between the states is possible on nanosecond timescales by applying short heating pulses. The glass state is reached through melting and rapid quenching through a supercooled liquid regime. While initial and final states are easily characterized, little is known about the optical properties on the path to forming a glass. Here we resolve the entire switching cycle of antimony with femtosecond resolution in stroboscopic optical pump-probe measurements and combine the experimental results with ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations. The glass formation process of antimony is revealed to be a complex multi-step process, where the intermediate transient states exhibit distinct optical properties with even larger contrasts than those observed between crystal and glass. The provided quantitative understanding forms the basis for exploitation in high bandwidth photonic applications.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvanced Materials
StateAccepted/In press - 2025
Externally publishedYes


  • optical memory
  • phase change material
  • phase transition
  • supercooled liquid
  • ultrafast response


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