The Majorana Demonstrator radioassay program

N. Abgrall, I. J. Arnquist, F. T. Avignone, H. O. Back, A. S. Barabash, F. E. Bertrand, M. Boswell, A. W. Bradley, V. Brudanin, M. Busch, M. Buuck, D. Byram, A. S. Caldwell, Y. D. Chan, C. D. Christofferson, P. H. Chu, C. Cuesta, J. A. Detwiler, J. A. Dunmore, Yu EfremenkoH. Ejiri, S. R. Elliott, P. Finnerty, A. Galindo-Uribarri, V. M. Gehman, T. Gilliss, G. K. Giovanetti, J. Goett, M. P. Green, J. Gruszko, I. S. Guinn, V. E. Guiseppe, R. Henning, E. W. Hoppe, S. Howard, M. A. Howe, B. R. Jasinski, R. A. Johnson, K. J. Keeter, M. F. Kidd, O. Kochetov, S. I. Konovalov, R. T. Kouzes, B. D. LaFerriere, J. Leon, J. C. Loach, J. Macmullin, S. Macmullin, R. D. Martin, R. Massarczyk, S. Meijer, S. Mertens, M. L. Miller, J. L. Orrell, C. O'Shaughnessy, N. R. Overman, A. W.P. Poon, K. Pushkin, D. C. Radford, J. Rager, K. Rielage, R. G.H. Robertson, E. Romero-Romero, M. C. Ronquest, A. G. Schubert, B. Shanks, M. Shirchenko, K. J. Snavely, N. Snyder, D. Steele, A. M. Suriano, D. Tedeschi, J. E. Trimble, R. L. Varner, S. Vasilyev, K. Vetter, K. Vorren, B. R. White, J. F. Wilkerson, C. Wiseman, W. Xu, E. Yakushev, C. H. Yu, V. Yumatov, I. Zhitnikov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

99 Scopus citations


The Majorana collaboration is constructing the Majorana Demonstrator at the Sanford Underground Research Facility at the Homestake gold mine, in Lead, SD. The apparatus will use Ge detectors, enriched in isotope 76Ge, to demonstrate the feasibility of a large-scale Ge detector experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The long half-life of this postulated process requires that the apparatus be extremely low in radioactive isotopes whose decays may produce backgrounds to the search. The radioassay program conducted by the collaboration to ensure that the materials comprising the apparatus are sufficiently pure is described. The resulting measurements from gamma-ray counting, neutron activation and mass spectroscopy of the radioactive-isotope contamination for the materials studied for use in the detector are reported. We interpret these numbers in the context of the expected background for the experiment.


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Award Numbers DE-AC02–05CH11231 , DE-AC52–06NA25396 , DE-FG02–97ER41041 , DE-FG02–97ER41033 , DE-FG02–97ER41042 , DE-SC0012612 , DE-FG02–10ER41715 , DE-SC0010254 , and DE-FG02–97ER41020 . We acknowledge support from the Particle Astrophysics Program and Nuclear Physics Program of the National Science Foundation through grant numbers PHY-0919270 , PHY-1003940 , 0855314 , PHY-1202950 , MRI 0923142 and 1003399 . We acknowledge support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research , grant No. 15-02-02919 . We acknowledge the support of the U.S. Department of Energy through the LANL / LDRD Program. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC05–00OR22725 . This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract No. DE-AC02–05CH11231 . We thank our hosts and colleagues at the Sanford Underground Research Facility for their support. We acknowledge support from the facilities; the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant , the Kimballton Underground Research Facility and the Low Background Facility at Oroville , the Berkeley Low Background Facilities at SURF and at LBNL , the McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center , the North Carolina State University's PULSTAR research and teaching reactor , the Radiation Safety Office at Virginia Tech , the Radiation Safety Department at the University of Tennesse, Knoxville , and Nu Instruments Limited in Wrexham, UK .


  • Double beta decay
  • Germanium counting
  • Low background
  • Majorana
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Mass spectroscopy
  • Neutron activation analysis
  • Radiopurity
  • Trace analysis


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