The Influence of Crest Width and Working States on Wave Transmission of Pile–Rock Breakwaters in the Coastal Mekong Delta

Nguyet Minh Nguyen, Duong Do Van, Tu Le Duy, Nhat Truong Pham, Thanh Duc Dang, Ahad Hasan Tanim, David Wright, Phong Nguyen Thanh, Duong Tran Anh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The coastline of the Ca Mau and Kien Giang provinces in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta has been severely eroded in recent decades. Pile–Rock Breakwaters (PRBWs) are among the most widely adopted structures for controlling shoreline erosion in this region. These structures are effective for wave energy dissipation, stimulating sediment accumulation, and facilitating the restoration of mangrove forests. These breakwaters are generally considered to be the best-engineering practice; however, there is currently insufficient scientific evidence with regard to specific structural design aspects. This can lead to PRBW structures being compromised when deployed in the field. This study used a physical model of a PRBW in a laboratory to investigate several design parameters, including crest width and working states (i.e., submerged, transition, and emerged), and investigated their relationship with the wave transmission coefficient, wave reflection coefficient, and wave energy dissipation. To investigate these relationships further, empirical formulas were derived for PRBWs under different sea states and crest widths to aid the design process. The results showed that the PRBW width had a significant influence on the wave energy coefficients. The findings revealed that the crest width of the breakwater was inversely proportional to the wave transmission coefficient (Kt) under the emerged state. The crest width was also proportional to the wave reduction efficiency and wave energy dissipation in both working states (i.e., the submerged and emerged states). The front wave disturbance coefficient (Kf) was found to be proportional to the wave reflection coefficient, and the wave height in front of the structure was found to increase by up to 1.4 times in the emerged state. The wave reflection coefficient requires special consideration to reduce the toe erosion in the structure. Lastly, empirical equations including linear and non-linear formulas were compared with previous studies for different classes of breakwaters. These empirical equations will be useful for understanding the wave transmission efficiency of PRBWs. The findings of this study provide important guidance for PRBW design in the coastal area of the Mekong Delta.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1762
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2022
Externally publishedYes


The research work described herein was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in the national project (No. ĐTĐL.CN-47/18) “Physical model experiment for investigating coastal protection measures of Mekong Delta”.


  • Mekong Delta
  • energy dissipation
  • physical model
  • pile–rock breakwater
  • wave reflection
  • wave transmission


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