The high-resolution powder diffractometer at the high flux isotope reactor

V. O. Garlea, B. C. Chakoumakos, S. A. Moore, G. B. Taylor, T. Chae, R. G. Maples, R. A. Riedel, G. W. Lynn, D. L. Selby

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

80 Scopus citations


Neutron powder diffraction is increasingly recognized as one of the most powerful techniques for studying the structural and magnetic properties of advanced materials. Despite the growing demand to study an ever-increasing array of interesting materials, there is only a handful of neutron diffractometers available to serve the US neutron scattering community. This article describes the new highresolution powder diffractometer that has recently been installed at the High Flux Isotope Reactor in Oak Ridge. The instrument is designed to provide an optimum balance between high neutron flux and high resolution. Due to its versatility the diffractometer can be employed for a large variety of experiments, but it is particularly adapted for refinements of structures with large interplanar spacings as well as of complex magnetic structures. In addition to traditional crystal and magnetic structural refinements, studies of phase transitions, thermal expansion, texture analysis, and ab initio structure solution from powder data can be undertaken.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-535
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2010


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