The heat capacity of a natural monticellite and phase equilibria in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2

Z. D. Sharp, E. J. Essene, L. M. Anovitz, G. W. Metz, E. F. Westrum, B. S. Hemingway, J. W. Valley

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32 Scopus citations


The heat capacity of a natural monticellite (Ca1.00Mg.09Fe.91Mn.01Si0.99O3.99) measured between 9.6 and 343 K using intermittent-heating, adiabatic calorimetry yields Cp0(298) and S2980 of 123.64 ± 0.18 and 109.44 ± 0.16 J · mol-1 K-1 respectively. Extrapolation of this entropy value to end-member monticellite results in an S0298 = 108.1 ± 0.2 J · mol-1 K-1. High-temperature heat-capacity data were measured between 340-1000 K with a differential scanning calorimeter. The high-temperature data were combined with the 290-350 K adiabatic values, extrapolated to 1700 K, and integrated to yield the following entropy equation for end-member monticellite (298-1700 K): ST0(J · mol-1 K-1) = S2980 + 164.79 In T + 15.337 · 10-3 T + 22.791 · 105 T-2 - 968.94. Phase equilibria in the CaO-MgO-SiO2 system were calculated from 973 to 1673 K and 0 to 12 kbar with these new data combined with existing data for akermanite (Ak), diopside (Di), forsterite (Fo), merwinite (Me) and wollastonite (Wo). The location of the calculated reactions involving the phases Mo and Fo is affected by their mutual solid solution. A best fit of the thermodynamically generated curves to all experiments is made when the S0298 of Me is 250.2 J · mol-1 K-1 less than the measured value of 253.2 J · mol-1 K-1. A best fit to the reversals for the solid-solid and decarbonation reactions in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2 system was obtained with the ΔG0298 (kJ · mole-1) for the phases Ak(-3667), Di(-3025), Fo(-2051), Me(-4317) and Mo(-2133). The two invariant points - Wo and -Fo for the solid-solid reactions are located at 1008 ± 5 K and 6.3 ± 0.1 kbar, and 1361 ± 10 K and 10.2 ± 0.2 kbar respectively. The location of the thermodynamically generated curves is in excellent agreement with most experimental data on decarbonation equilibria involving these phases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1475-1484
Number of pages10
JournalGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1986
Externally publishedYes


Acknowledgements-Researcwha s funded in part by NSF grantsE AR-8009538t o E.J.E. and E.F.W. and also EAR-821 2764a nd EAR-8408I 68 to E.J.E. We areg ratefutl o Dr. WilburC . Bigelowa ndMr. Carl E. Hendersonfo r maintaining the electronm icroprobefa cilitiesa t The Universityo f Michigan.A preprinto f G. E. Adamsa ndF . E. Bishop’sm anuscript wasg reatlya ppreciatedW. e aree speciallgy ratefutlo Dr. Hat-ten S. Yoder, Jr. for allowingu s to analyzeh is run products and for his early reviewo f the manuscriptT. he reviewso f G. E. Adams,F . B. Bishop,J . M. Ferry, H. T. Haselton,Jr .. R. A. Robie.G . R. Robinson,J r. and A. H. Treimanp roved to be very helpful.T he first authort horoughlye njoyede n-lighteningd iscussionws ith S. W. Sharp.

FundersFunder number
National Science FoundationEAR-821 2764a, EAR-8408I 68


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