The CSU face identification evaluation system: IIIts purpose, features, and structure

J. Ross Beveridge, David Bolme, Bruce A. Draper, Marcio Teixeira

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98 Scopus citations


The CSU Face Identification Evaluation System includes standardized image preprocessing software, four distinct face recognition algorithms, analysis tools to study algorithm performance, and Unix shell scripts to run standard experiments. All code is written in ANSII C. The four algorithms provided are principle components analysis (PCA), a.k.a eigenfaces, a combined principle components analysis and linear discriminant analysis algorithm (PCA + LDA), an intrapersonal/extrapersonal image difference classifier (IIDC), and an elastic bunch graph matching (EBGM) algorithm. The PCA + LDA, IIDC, and EBGM algorithms are based upon algorithms used in the FERET study contributed by the University of Maryland, MIT, and USC, respectively. One analysis tool generates cumulative match curves; the other generates a sample probability distribution for recognition rate at recognition rank 1, 2, etc., using Monte Carlo sampling to generate probe and gallery choices. The sample probability distributions at each rank allow standard error bars to be added to cumulative match curves. The tool also generates sample probability distributions for the paired difference of recognition rates for two algorithms. Whether one algorithm consistently outperforms another is easily tested using this distribution. The CSU Face Identification Evaluation System is available through our Web site and we hope it will be used by others to rigorously compare novel face identification algorithms to standard algorithms using a common implementation and known comparison techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)128-138
Number of pages11
JournalMachine Vision and Applications
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Evaluation
  • Face recognition
  • Statistical tools


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