The coalescent in finite populations with arbitrary, fixed structure

Benjamin Allen, Alex McAvoy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The coalescent is a stochastic process representing ancestral lineages in a population undergoing neutral genetic drift. Originally defined for a well-mixed population, the coalescent has been adapted in various ways to accommodate spatial, age, and class structure, along with other features of real-world populations. To further extend the range of population structures to which coalescent theory applies, we formulate a coalescent process for a broad class of neutral drift models with arbitrary – but fixed – spatial, age, sex, and class structure, haploid or diploid genetics, and any fixed mating pattern. Here, the coalescent is represented as a random sequence of mappings C=Ctt=0 from a finite set G to itself. The set G represents the “sites” (in individuals, in particular locations and/or classes) at which these alleles can live. The state of the coalescent, Ct:G→G, maps each site g∈G to the site containing g's ancestor, t time-steps into the past. Using this representation, we define and analyze coalescence time, coalescence branch length, mutations prior to coalescence, and stationary probabilities of identity-by-descent and identity-by-state. For low mutation, we provide a recipe for computing identity-by-descent and identity-by-state probabilities via the coalescent. Applying our results to a diploid population with arbitrary sex ratio r, we find that measures of genetic dissimilarity, among any set of sites, are scaled by 4r(1−r) relative to the even sex ratio case.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)150-169
Number of pages20
JournalTheoretical Population Biology
StatePublished - Aug 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Coalescent theory
  • Genetic drift
  • Identity-by-descent
  • Random mapping


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