Tests of modulated intensity small angle scattering in time of flight mode

G. Brandl, J. Lal, J. Carpenter, L. Crow, L. Robertson, R. Georgii, P. Böni, M. Bleuel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We report results of tests of the MISANS technique at the CG-1D beamline at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). A chopper at 40 Hz simulated a pulsed neutron source at the beamline. A compact turn-key MISANS module operating with the pulsed beam was installed and a well characterized MnSi sample was tested. The feasibility of application of high magnetic fields at the sample position was also explored. These tests demonstrate the great potential of this technique, in particular for examining magnetic and depolarizing samples, under extreme sample environments at pulsed sources, such as the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) or the planned European Spallation Source (ESS).


We acknowledge the support of Ian S. Anderson for making these tests possible at HFIR. We are grateful for the help of Mike Fleenor and the staff at HFIR during the beam times. We also acknowledge very helpful discussions with Wolfgang Häußler and the technical support of Reinhard Schwikowski at the FRM II. This work was funded by ONRL, the US Department of Energy, and by the German BMBF under “Mitwirkung der Zentren der Helmholtz Gemeinschaft und der Technischen Universität München an der Design-Update Phase der ESS, Förderkennzeichen 05E10WO1.” ORNL is managed by UTBatelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC0500OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy.


  • ESS
  • HFIR
  • Spin echo


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