Temperature versus doping phase diagrams for Ba ( Fe1-x TM x ) 2 As2 (TM=Ni,Cu,Cu/Co ) single crystals

N. Ni, A. Thaler, J. Q. Yan, A. Kracher, E. Colombier, S. L. Bud'Ko, P. C. Canfield, S. T. Hannahs

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188 Scopus citations


Microscopic, structural, transport, and thermodynamic measurements of single crystalline Ba (Fe1-x TMx) 2 As 2 (TM=Ni and Cu) series, as well as two mixed TM=Cu/Co series, are reported. In addition, high-magnetic field, anisotropic Hc2 (T) data were measured up to 33 T for the optimally Ni-doped BaFe2 As 2 sample. All the transport and thermodynamic measurements indicate that the structural and magnetic phase transitions at 134 K in pure BaFe 2 As2 are monotonically suppressed and increasingly separated in a similar manner by these dopants. In the Ba (Fe1-x Nix) 2 As2 (x≤0.072), superconductivity, with Tc up to 19 K, is stabilized for 0.024≤x≤0.072. In the Ba (Fe 1-x Cux) 2 As2 (x≤0.356) series, although the structural and magnetic transitions are suppressed, there is only a very limited region of superconductivity: a sharp drop of the resistivity to zero near 2.1 K is found only for the x=0.044 samples. In the Ba (Fe 1-x-y Cox Cuy) 2 As2 series, superconductivity, with Tc values up to 12 K (x∼0.022 series) and 20 K (x∼0.047 series), is stabilized. Quantitative analysis of the detailed temperature-dopant concentration (T-x) and temperature-extra electrons (T-e) phase diagrams of these series shows that there exists a limited range of the number of extra electrons added, inside which the superconductivity can be stabilized if the structural and magnetic phase transitions are suppressed enough. Moreover, comparison with pressure-temperature phase diagram data, for samples spanning the whole doping range, further re-enforces the conclusion that suppression of the structural/magnetic phase transition temperature enhances Tc on the underdoped side, but for the overdoped side TC max is determined by e. Therefore, by choosing the combination of dopants that are used, we can adjust the relative positions of the upper phase lines (structural and magnetic phase transitions) and the superconducting dome to control the occurrence and disappearance of the superconductivity in transition metal, electron-doped BaFe2 As2.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024519
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 26 2010
Externally publishedYes


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