Synergetic Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance by Selective Charge Anderson Localization−Delocalization Transition in n‑Type Bi-Doped PbTe/Ag2Te Nanocomposite

Min Ho Lee, Jae Hyun Yun, Gareoung Kim, Ji Eun Lee, Su Dong Park, Heiko Reith, Gabi Schierning, Konelius Nielsch, Wonhee Ko, An Ping Li, Jong Soo Rhyee

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79 Scopus citations


Considerable efforts have been devoted to enhancing thermoelectric performance, by employing phonon scattering from nanostructural architecture, and material design using phonon-glass and electron-crystal concepts. The nanostructural approach helps to lower thermal conductivity but has limited effect on the power factor. Here, we demonstrate selective charge Anderson localization as a route to maximize the Seebeck coefficient while simultaneously preserving high electrical conductivity and lowering the lattice thermal conductivity. We confirm the viability of interface potential modification in an n-type Bi-doped PbTe/Ag2Te nanocomposite and the resulting enhancement in thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT. The introduction of random potentials via Ag2Te nanoparticle distribution using extrinsic phase mixing was determined using scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements. When the Ag2Te undergoes a structural phase transition (T > 420 K) from monoclinic β-Ag2Te to cubic α-Ag2Te, the band gap in the α-Ag2Te increases due to the p−d hybridization. This results in a decrease in the potential barrier height, which gives rise to partial delocalization of the electrons, while wave packets of the holes are still in a localized state. Using this strategic approach, we achieved an exceptionally high thermoelectric figure-of-merit in n-type PbTe materials, a ZT greater than 2.0, suitable for waste heat power generation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3806-3815
Number of pages10
JournalACS Nano
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 23 2019


J.S.R. was supported by the Materials and Components Technology Development Program of MOTIE/KEIT (10063286), Republic of Korea, and a grant from Kyung Hee University in 2017 (20171203). A portion of the work (STM/STS) was conducted at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS), which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility. M.H.L., J.E.L., and S.D.P. were supported by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) of the Republic of Korea (No. 20162000000910, title. Development of High Performance Thernoelectric Modules by Power Modulation).


  • Anderson localization
  • bulk composite
  • figure-of-merit
  • thermal conductivity
  • thermoelectric


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