Swelling and dislocation evolution in simple ferritic alloys irradiated to high fluence in FFTF/MOTA

Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, David S. Gelles

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61 Scopus citations


Microstructures of a series of FeCr binary ferritic alloys were examined following neutron irradiation to 140 dpa at 698 K in FFTF/MOTA. The chromium concentration ranged from 3 to 18% in 3% increments and the irradiation temperature corresponded to the peak swelling condition for this alloy class. The swelling varied from 0.4 to 2.9% depending on chromium concentration, and the highest swelling was found in the Fe9Cr alloy. The cavity microstructures corresponded to transient to early steady-state swelling regime. Dislocations were composed of networks with botha〈100〉 and (a/2)〈111〉 Burgers vector anda〈100〉 type interstitial loops. The dislocation density was negatively correlated with swelling. Explanation for the observed chromium concentration dependence of microstructural development and low swelling in the ferritic alloys will be studied in connection with the dislocation bias efficiency and the theory of sink strength ratio.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)154-162
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
StatePublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes


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