Surface vibrational modes of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 observed by Raman spectroscopy

H. H. Kung, M. Salehi, I. Boulares, A. F. Kemper, N. Koirala, M. Brahlek, P. Lošťák, C. Uher, R. Merlin, X. Wang, S. W. Cheong, S. Oh, G. Blumberg

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44 Scopus citations


We present a polarization resolved Raman scattering study of surface vibration modes in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystal and thick films. Besides the four Raman active bulk phonons, we observed four additional modes with much weaker intensity and slightly lower energy than the bulk counterparts. Using symmetry analysis, we assigned these additional modes to out-of-plane surface phonons. Comparing with first-principle calculations, we conclude that the appearance of these modes is due to c-axis lattice distortion and van der Waals gap expansion near the crystal surface. Two of the surface modes at 60 and 173 cm-1 are associated with Raman active A1g bulk phonon modes, the other two at 136 and 158 cm-1 are associated with infrared active bulk phonons with A2u symmetry. The latter become Raman allowed due to reduction of crystalline symmetry from D3d in the bulk to C3v on the crystal surface. In particular, the 158 cm-1 surface phonon mode shows a Fano line shape under resonant excitation, suggesting interference in the presence of electron-phonon coupling of the surface excitations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number245406
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number24
StatePublished - Jun 9 2017
Externally publishedYes


G.B. and H.-H.K acknowledge support from the U.S. DOE, BES Grant DE-SC0005463 for spectroscopic studies. S.O., M.S., N.K., and M.B. acknowledge support by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's EPiQS initiative (GBMF4418) and NSF (EFMA-1542798) for film growth. S.-W.C. and X.W. acknowledge support from NSF Award DMREF-1233349 for single crystal growth. G.B. also acknowledges partial support from QuantEmX grant from ICAM and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF5305 and from the European Regional Development Fund project TK134.


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