Surface magnetism of cobalt nanoislands controlled by atomic hydrogen

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18 Scopus citations


Controlling the spin states of the surface and interface is key to spintronic applications of magnetic materials. Here, we report the evolution of surface magnetism of Co nanoislands on Cu(111) upon hydrogen adsorption and desorption with the hope of realizing reversible control of spindependent tunneling. Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy reveals three types of hydrogen-induced surface superstructures, 1H-(2 × 2), 2H-(2 × 2), and 6H-(3 × 3), with increasing H coverage. The prominent magnetic surface states of Co, while being preserved at low H coverage, become suppressed as the H coverage level increases, which can then be recovered by H desorption. First-principles calculations reveal the origin of the observed magnetic surface states by capturing the asymmetry between the spin-polarized surface states and identify the role of hydrogen in controlling the magnetic states. Our study offers new insights into the chemical control of magnetism in low-dimensional systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)292-298
Number of pages7
JournalNano Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 11 2017


  • Adsorption and desorption
  • Chemisorbed hydrogen
  • Nanomagnetism
  • Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
  • Surface magnetism
  • Surface reconstruction


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