Suppression of type-I ELMs with reduced RMP coil set on DIII-D

D. M. Orlov, R. A. Moyer, T. E. Evans, C. Paz-Soldan, N. M. Ferraro, R. Nazikian, J. S. Degrassie, B. A. Grierson, D. Eldon, M. E. Fenstermacher, J. D. King, N. C. Logan, M. J. Lanctot, R. Maingi, P. B. Snyder, E. J. Strait, A. Wingen

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17 Scopus citations


Recent experiments on DIII-D have demonstrated that having a toroidally-monochromatic spectral content of edge-resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) is not a necessary condition for suppression of edge localized modes (ELMs). Robust ELM suppression has been reproducibly obtained on DIII-D during experiments in which various non-axisymmetric coil loops were turned off pseudo-randomly producing a variety of n =1, n =2, and n =3 spectral contributions. It was shown that RMP ELM suppression could be achieved with as few as 5 out of 12 internal coil loops (I-coils) on DIII-D at similar coil currents and with good plasma confinement. Linear MHD plasma response (m3dc1, ipec, mars) and vacuum (surfmn, trip3d) modelling have been performed in order to understand the effects of the perturbation spectrum on the plasma response and ELM suppression. The results suggest that reduction of the dominant n =3 perturbation field is compensated by increased n =2 field in the plasma that may lead to RMP ELM suppression at lower levels of n =3 perturbative magnetic flux from the I-coils. These results provide additional confidence that ITER may be capable of RMP ELM suppression in the event of multiple internal coil failures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number036020
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 19 2016


  • kinetic modes
  • macroinstabilities
  • magnetic confinement
  • plasma simulation
  • tokamaks


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