Superior Damage Tolerance of Fish Skins

Emily Zhang, Chi Huan Tung, Luyi Feng, Yu Ren Zhou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Skin is the largest organ of many animals. Its protective function against hostile environments and predatorial attack makes high mechanical strength a vital characteristic. Here, we measured the mechanical properties of bass fish skins and found that fish skins are highly ductile with a rupture strain of up to 30–40% and a rupture strength of 10–15 MPa. The fish skins exhibit a strain-stiffening behavior. Stretching can effectively eliminate the stress concentrations near the pre-existing holes and edge notches, suggesting that the skins are highly damage tolerant. Our measurement determined a flaw-insensitivity length that exceeds those of most engineering materials. The strain-stiffening and damage tolerance of fish skins are explained by an agent-based model of a collagen network in which the load-bearing collagen microfibers assembled from nanofibrils undergo straightening and reorientation upon stretching. Our study inspires the development of artificial skins that are thin, flexible, but highly fracture-resistant and widely applicable in soft robots.

Original languageEnglish
Article number953
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • biomechanics
  • collagen
  • damage-mechanics
  • skin
  • strain stiffening


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