Superconductivity in striped and multi-fermi-surface hubbard models: From the cuprates to the pnictides

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3 Scopus citations


Single- and multiband Hubbardmodels have been found to describe many of the complex phenomena that are observed in the cuprate and iron-based high-temperature superconductors. Simulations of these models therefore provide an ideal framework to study and understand the superconducting properties of these systems and the mechanisms responsible for them. Here, we review recent dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulations of these models, which provide an unbiased view of the leading correlations in the system. In particular, we discuss what these simulations tell us about superconductivity in the homogeneous 2D single-orbital Hubbard model, and how charge stripes affect this behavior. We then describe recent simulations of a bilayer Hubbard model, which provides a simple model to study the type and nature of pairing in systems with multiple Fermi surfaces such as the iron-based superconductors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1307-1311
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jul 2012


Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge useful discussions with D.J. Scalapino, T.C. Schulthess, G. Alvarez, and M. Summers. This research was conducted at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is sponsored at Oak Ridge National Laboratory by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, US Department of Energy. This research was enabled by computational resources of the Center for Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


  • Cuprates
  • Pnictides
  • Superconductivity


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