Superconducting Magnet Qualification Methodology for the Material Plasma Exposure Experiment

Earle E. Burkhardt, Robert C. Duckworth, Arnold Lumsdaine, Michael Kaufman, Phillip Ferguson, Richard Goulding

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2 Scopus citations


The Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX), currently under design, is a new linear plasma device to advance the understanding of plasma-material interactions through the generation and delivery of plasmas as they are expected in future fusion reactor divertors. MPEX will be a steady-state device to study high-fluence exposures of plasma-facing materials and components. The requirements for the magnetic field at the target and the heating stages make the application of superconducting coils necessary. Conceptual designs for the superconducting magnets have been developed, and multiple cryostats with warm bore diameters of either 65 cm or 156 cm are envisioned to facilitate their integrated and timely assembly with other systems such as vacuum, water cooling, and RF power. Although design, fabrication, and testing for the magnets as stand-alone units are straightforward, challenges will arise during the integration of the system. Two different field profiles will be used during operation. The magnetic field where the electron cyclotron heating occurs needs to operate at both 1.25 and 2.5 T. It is critical that the magnets all share the same magnetic axis and alignment. The mutual inductance between cryostats will affect the quench behavior of the system. Also, cryostat-to-cryostat forces can be as large as 700 kN, and the magnitude and direction will change depending on which coils are energized. The design of the system must take those characteristics into account along with the quench scenarios. This paper describes the qualification approach that will be used to determine whether stand-alone tests can be used to ensure the success of the integrated system. Fiducials will be used to define the location of the magnetic axis for each cryostat to ensure proper alignment. Quench tests of a single magnet will be performed at a current above the normal operating current to account for additional stored energy from the mutual inductance to adjacent cryostats. Also, a 1018 steel plate will be mounted on either end of a cryostat to simulate the cryostat-to-cryostat forces. Requirements for the size and location of the steel plates are described.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9339970
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number5
StatePublished - Aug 2021


  • Cryogenics
  • fusion materials
  • plasma source
  • superconducting magnets


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