Subcriticality Measurements for a Changing Concentration Uranyl Nitrate Solution Tank by Californium Source-Driven Noise Analysis

John T. Mihalczo

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Subcritical californium source-driven noise analysis (CSDNA) measurements were performed at the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Facility in 1983 using a stainless-steel tank with an inside diameter of 76.2 cm and a height of 91.4 cm but only filled with a uranyl (93.16 wt.%235U) nitrate solution to a height of 76.2 cm for all measurements. The free acid content of the uranyl nitrate solution was less than 0.01 N to minimize hazards in handling. The total available highly enriched uranium for these measurements was 5,296 g. The concentration of the solution was varied from the highest density of 14.71 grams of uranium per liter (g U/L) initially in 16 steps, lowering the concentration to 0.3492 g U/L, and finally using a tank filled with only water. The tank had a Plexiglas lid to minimize evaporation. The Cf source was contained in a re-entrant Lexan tube which could be in the solution parallel to the axis of the cylindrical tank. The detectors were 3He proportional counters in the solution in shrink-fit tubing to isolate the counters from the fissile solution and adjacent to the outside of the tank. In some cases, the detectors were scintillators adjacent to the outside of the tank. In other cases, the source was external to the tank. Some data presented in this report are from notes and are not in the logbook. The prompt neutron decay constant was obtained from fitting the date from the CSDNA measurements. The purpose of this report is to document the experimental information for the measurements performed so that later, researchers could perform the required uncertainty and calculational analyses and documentation to use these data for an International Nuclear Criticality Safety Benchmark Program (ICSBEP) or a Nuclear Energy Agency benchmark. The prompt neutron decay measurements could be the basis of as International Reactor Physic Benchmark Program. The data from these measurements are available from the Records Management Services Department of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the logbook is also available from the ICSBEP at Idaho National Laboratory. Preparation of the present report is part of a larger cooperative effort between Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to document more than 15 undocumented critical and subcritical experiments enumerated in ORNL/TM-2019/18 and performed by ORNL at ORCEF and other USDOE critical experiments facilities using more than 500 operational days of critical facility time.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes




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