Study of transfer reactions in inverse kinematics with the TIARA array

M. Labiche, C. N. Timis, R. C. Lemmon, W. N. Catford, R. Chapman, N. Amzal, N. I. Ashwood, T. D. Baldwin, M. Burns, L. Caballero, M. Chartier, N. Curtis, G. De France, W. Gelletly, X. Liang, M. Freer, N. A. Orr, S. D. Pain, V. P.E. Pucknell, M. RejmundB. Rubio, H. Savajols, O. Sorlin, K. Spohr, Ch Thiesen, D. D. Warner

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3 Scopus citations


The newly commissioned TIARA array has been coupled for the first time to the VAMOS spectrometer and the EXOGAM germanium array to study nucleon transfer reactions in inverse kinematics and using beams of low intensity, which are typical of radioactive beam experiments. This set-up offers a high geometrical efficiency for the charged particle detection, a high efficiency for γ-ray detection and a final energy resolution only limited by the Doppler broadening. This report demonstrates the potential of such an apparatus to study single-nucleon transfer reactions with radioactive nuclear beams. A beam of 14N at 10.6 MeV/nucleon with an intensity of 105 s -1 was directed onto a CD2 target of 1 mg cm-2. Proton angular distributions have been measured for the population of 15N in the ground state and in excited states at 7.15 and 7.56 MeV. Transferred l-values deduced from comparison to DWBA calculations are in very good agreement with the well-known shell structure of 15N. We have therefore demonstrated the effectiveness of this set-up in studying nucleon transfer reactions in inverse kinematics and with low-intensity beams.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S1691-S1695
JournalJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 1 2005
Externally publishedYes


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