Study of neutron beta decay with the Nab experiment

Stefan Baeßler, Himal Acharya, Ricardo Alarcon, Leah J. Broussard, Michael Bowler, David Bowman, Jin Ha Choi, Love Christie, Tim Chupp, Skylar Clymer, Christopher Crawford, George Dodson, Nadia Fomin, Jason Fry, Michael Gericke, Rebecca Godri, Francisco M. Gonzalez, Geoff Greene, Andrew Hagemeier, Josh HamblenLeendert Hayen, Chelsea Hendrus, Aaron Jezghani, Huangxing Li, Nick Macsai, Mark Makela, Russell Mammei, David G. Mathews, August Mendelsohn, Paul Mueller, Austin Nelsen, Jordan O’Kronley, Seppo Penttila, Jason Pioquinto, Dinko Počanić, Hitesh Rahangdale, John Ramsey, Alexander Saunders, Wolfgang Schreyer, Elizabeth Mae Scott, Aryaman Singh, Leonard Tinius, Albert R. Young

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The current three sigma tension in the unitarity test of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix is a notable problem with the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. A long-standing goal of the study of free neutron beta decay is to better determine the CKM element Vud through measurements of the neutron lifetime and a decay correlation parameter. The Nab collaboration intends to measure a, the neutrino-electron correlation, with accuracy sufficient for a competitive evaluation of Vud based on neutron decay data alone. This paper gives a status report and an outlook.

Original languageEnglish
Article number05001
JournalEPJ Web of Conferences
StatePublished - Sep 25 2024
Event16th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, MENU 2023 - Mainz, Germany
Duration: Oct 16 2023Oct 20 2023


This research used resources at the SNS, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We acknowledge the support from DOE, the National Science Foundation, the University of Virginia, Arizona State University, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Triangle University Nuclear Laboratory.


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