Study of 660-MeV proton-induced reactions on 129I

V. S. Pronskikh, J. Adam, A. Balabekyan, V. S. Barashenkov, V. P. Dzhelepov, S. A. Gustov, V. P. Filinova, V. G. Kalinnikov, M. I. Krivopustov, I. V. Mirokhin, A. A. Solnyshkin, V. I. Stegailov, V. M. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, J. Mrázek, R. Brandt, W. Westmeier, R. Odoj, S. G. Mashnik, R. E. Prael, A. J. SierkK. K. Gudima, M. I. Baznat

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Isotopically enriched 129I (85% 129I and 15% 127I) targets were irradiated with a beam of 660-MeV protons at the JINR DLNP Phasotron and cross sections of formation of 74 residual products were determined using the γ-spectrometry method. Here, we analyze all these data using eleven different models, realized in eight codes: LAHET (Bertini, ISABEL, INCL+ABLA, and INCL+RAL options), CASCADE, CEM95, CEM2k, LAQGSM+GEM2, CEM2k+GEM2, LAQGSM+GEMINI, and CEM2k+GEMINI, in order to validate the tested models against the experimental data and to understand better the mechanisms for production of residual nuclei. We find that most of the codes are fairly reliable in predicting cross sections for nuclides not too far away in mass from the targets, but differ greatly in the deep spallation, fission, and fragmentation regions. None of the codes tested here except GEMINI allow fission of nuclei as light as iodine, therefore the best agreement with the 129I data, especially in the A=40-90 region, is shown by the codes CEM2k and LAQGSM when they are merged with GEMINI. We conclude that none of the codes tested here are able to reproduce well all these data and all of them need to be further improved; development of a better universal evaporation/fission model should be of a high priority.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Number of pages4
StatePublished - May 24 2005
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology - Santa Fe, NM, United States
Duration: Sep 26 2004Oct 1 2004

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


ConferenceInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySanta Fe, NM


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